Learner Engagement

Learner Engagement

We all know that when learners are engaged they will learn more. This can be easier said than done however, especially when students are tired, distracted or don't have intrinsic motivation to learn English.

This course will teach you how to:

1. Engage Learners of Different Ages

2. Increase Learner Motivation

3. Use Reward Systems

4. Vary Interaction Patterns

5. Reduce Student Wait Time

Course duration: 6 weeks

Group size: Up to 20 participants

Delivery: Online via TalentLMS

Certification: 20hr EF teacher training certificate

Assessment: Reflective journal and interview with tutor

By the end of this course you will be better able to do the following:

How to Apply

China Own Teachers

Apply to this course through OMNI People. See the link here for a guide to this process: Distance Course Application Guide

China Franchise Teachers

If you don't have access to OMNI People, then you can apply through the MS Forms link here: Distance Course Applications

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